Sunday, April 17, 2011

Editing Wikipedia

I have never found an instance where I felt like I had enough skill or knowledge about a topic to actually edit a wikipedia page.  I ended up editing the vice principal name to reflect our new principal Chris Billinglea as well as adding citation to the vice principal and principal section of the page.  All in all it was pretty easy to do.  I've been having a ton of fun learning about html coding throughout the program so far.  The syntax for the editing part looked just like html to me so I used the tags already in use to add the citations.

You can also check out the wiki that my group made in CEP810 for our SIG project.  We invited all of the students in our class to become members and make any edits that they thought would help improve the page.  Right now much of it is locked to editing because we wanted to make sure it was as we had intended while it was being graded.

UDL Checklist

The following is a UDL checklist for my lesson on Visual Univariate Statistical Representations posted to the MERLOT website. I have some reservations about UDL.  In order to meet many of the requirements in the checklist I can envision having to print out a document for my students that is in excess of 15 pages for this particular lesson.  This is due to all of the aspects of UDL that seem to require explicit instructions.  i.e. Checklist items 4.3, 5.3, 6.1-3 etc.  There are also several aspects which I feel are simply implicit to good teaching and are a part of the lesson though I never explicitly state them in it.

CAST (2011). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines Checklist version 2.0. Wakefield, MA: Author.